Drink Tea!
Tea not only rehydrates as well as water does, but it can also protect against heart disease and some cancers, UK nutritionists found. Experts believe flavonoids are the key ingredient in tea that promote health.Studies show that drinking 3-4 cups of tea each day has health benefits such as reducing risk of heart attack Additionally, tea may provide some protection against cancer, and may also help strengthen bones and teeth, as well as preventing tooth decay.
Tea provides the body with powerful antioxidants and polyphenols that help replace lost fluids and provide the body with some health benefits. Tea is not considered to be a dehydrating beverage; in fact it is a "healthy drink".
Drinking tea may also help boost memory, according to the BBC. This may be especially beneficial to Alzheimer's patients.
There are four different basic types of tea: green, black, white and oolong. There are also many variations of these four basics as well as tea infusions made with fruits and berries. Tea is popular in most Asian countries, and is gaining popularity world wide.
Find a local tea room at www.teamap.com and enjoy a nice cup of tea in your hometown!
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