fashionably crunchy earth friendly parenting

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Don't Ignore Global Warming

The entire world is facing a terrifying future. Everything will change - temperatures will raise, agriculture will be altered and in some cases the food supply may diminish. A UK article, Why Climate Change Cannot Be Ignored, reiterates that we need to make changes and reduce emissions sooner rather than later. The effect on the globe will surely be devastating if we continue to live as carelessly as we do now. Nobody knows for certain what exactly will happen, and theroies vary as to the extent of the problems that will arise from the effects of global warming.


The Stern review estimates that the costs of action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the worst impacts of climate change can be limited to around 1 per cent of global GDP each year. People would pay a little more for carbon-intensive goods, but economies could continue to grow strongly.

Reducing emissions will make us better off, and stave off the threat of food scarcity. According to one measure, the benefits over time of actions to shift the world onto a low-carbon path could be in the order of $2.5 trillion each year.

Agriculture policies and practices will have to meet changing climate regimes. A significant transition toward biofuels over the next 50 years is needed, with agriculture and forestry among the leading sources for both liquid and solid fuels.

Crops such as sugar cane, corn and soybean are already being used to produce ethanol or bio-diesel.

But above all, the agriculture and food sector needs to become engaged in the debate. It must find its voice. It is not a big polluter or emitter of CO2, but it will be one of worst hit sectors if climate change is not tackled.

Tackling climate change now is the only option. Ignoring it will undermine economic growth - and contribute to food scarcity."

We need to take control. Every little bit helps. Do your part!


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