fashionably crunchy earth friendly parenting

Friday, November 17, 2006

Show us the vaccine data!

If you are concerned about vaccines, or if you'd like to be made aware of vaccine data and statistics, please take a moment to read this site: NVIC has started a petition for the goverment to allow independent researchers to try and duplicate studies on vaccine safety and the effects of vaccines on children.

The federally operated VSD electronic database has collected information on vaccination and children's health in cooperation with large Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO's) for more than a decade. The CDC has conducted its own analysis of the data and published articles, most of which have denied a causal link between vaccines and chronic brain and immune system dysfunction. During the past two years, independent researchers were repeatedly denied access by CDC officials to the publicly funded VSD for the purpose of replicating and validating the CDC's analysis of the data.

If you feel you can support the petition for the information possessed by the goverment regarding vaccine risks to be available for independent analysis, please add your signature.


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