fashionably crunchy earth friendly parenting

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Cosmetic Podiatry?!

Ok. So we all know that plastic surgery can make us more beautiful (with some procedures more dangerous and riskier than others) but is there, or should there be, a line drawn on surgical self improvement?
A new press release explains one of the newest beverly hills procedures- shortening the second toe in order to look better and fit into sexy sandals.

The procedure takes about 25 minutes for the skilled surgeons to remove a portion of the second toe's bone and insert a pin. After about two weeks patients can have the first foot's pin removed and the same procedure performed on the other foot.

Cosmetic Podiatry at its finest.

So what do you think? Is this something out of the ordinary in today's day and age?
Should we be so concerned about how our feet look.. or is this yet another body part that we women will feel must be perfect to fit into societal standards of beauty?

While plastic surgery is definitely not on the imaginary checklist of all things crunchy, the members of the frunchymama message boards have some very interesting things to say on the topic.


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