What is Frunchy?
This term came up when we realized that we didn't really fit in to a mold. Our parenting styles and lives aren't really the crunchy, granola, super natural type. We also don't fit into the mainstream, "old-school" parenting style either. Frunchymama.com is a nice blend of those two extremes. We are a middle ground for mamas who fall anywhere on the spectrum of parenting styles. Frunchymama.com is for those who are curious about the "crunchy" lifestyle but don't know much about it. We are also for the mamas who are already practicing many aspects of the "crunchy" lifestyle and want to share our knowledge with others. We are for all moms who want to do what is best for themselves, their children, their families, and the earth.
It came about during a conversation one day between a group of friends. One mama uses cloth diapers, but didn't breastfeed or make her own baby food. Another mama cosleeps with her 2 year old, wears her baby and breastfeeds, but vaccinates her child on schedule. A third person uses disposable diapers, makes her own baby food, never touched a sling in her life, and her child has slept in a crib from day one. None of them considered themselves "crunchy"...but at the same time, none of them considered themselves "mainstream" or "traditional" either.
We found that one mom uses slings because they are just easier than lugging a stroller - another loves her stroller and would hate carrying a kid around all the time. There is no right and wrong. Each and every mother should have the information available to make her own judgements and choices.
That is what frunchy is - it is anyone who questions the conveneince products in search for a better way. It is not all or nothing. It's frunchy.
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