fashionably crunchy earth friendly parenting

Monday, February 26, 2007

Black Market Baby Formula. Really!

Palm Beach. Black Market. Baby Formula.
Really do any of those words sound like they go together?

PalmBeachPost reported "Ring stole $48,000 in baby formula, FDLE agent says"

Note 1.
Baby formula in recent years has become a hot black market item, according to federal law enforcement authorities. Over the years, federal investigators have arrested people suspected of making millions selling stolen formula.

Note 2.
Most of the stolen baby food is repackaged and sold, which health experts say poses a potential danger to infants. Drug dealers also sometimes use the powdered formula to cut cocaine

Note 3.
Some stores have responded to the thefts by keeping baby formula on locked
shelved or behind counters in stores. On Friday afternoon, a 25.7-ounce can of powdered Similac formula at the Publix in Wedgewood Commons was priced at nearly $25.

Wow. Just Wow.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Almond Milk

Can't stand the thought or taste of cow milk? Can't handle digesting cow milk or just plain scared of drinking cow milk? Not fond of soy milk or worried about all the negative reviews of soy products?

Try almond milk!

Almond milk is a good source of Vitamin E, calcium, Vitamins D & E, and it is rich in protein and omega fatty acids. It is cholesterol and lactose free.

You can buy almond milk in the store (Blue Diamond is a popular brand found in most grocery stores) - look for it on the shelf since it doesn't need to be refrigerated.

Many people make their own almond milk though, and recipes abound online. Here are a few of our favorites.

Almond Milk with Maple Syrup
Raw Vanilla Almond Milk

and...of course we feel obliged to reference as a great reference and source of multiple recipes and plenty of information on almond milk (and other nut milks too!)

Give it a try - you might be surprised how delicious almond milk is!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Deciphering Produce Codes

Have you ever wondered what those numbers mean on the produce at the grocery store? They aren't just random numbers used to make the cashier's life easier. There is a method to the madness!

Most stores use the same PLU (price lookup code) for produce and bulk products. Dr. Mercola shares some clues as to what those codes mean. The code for conventionally grown produce consists of four numbers (much like what is listed here). Alternatively, conventional produce will sometimes have five numbers for the PLU with the first number a zero. Any produce that is organically grown will also have the same four numbers as the conventionally grown produce, but the PLU code will be five numbers long with the first number a 9. For example, the PLU for conventional bananas is 4011. Organic bananas would be coded 94011. Furthermore, if the produce is genetically modified or genetically engineered, the preceeding fifth number would be an 8. In the banana example, the PLU code for GM bananas would be 84011.

The International Federation for Produce Standards has worked diligently to ensure the same coding system is used for produce. Their guidelines state
PLU codes have been used by supermarkets since 1990 to make check-out and inventory control easier, faster, and more accurate. Fresh fruit and vegetable PLU codes are used to identify bulk produce (and related items such as nuts and herbs).

Dr. Mercola advises to avoid any produce that is genetically modified and labeled with a five digit PLU code starting with the number eight. He states on his website that consumers should
avoid hybrid varieties, which are fruits that have been altered by humans. Typically hybrid fruits contain more sugar than regular varieties so they taste sweeter and can be picked out because generally they don't contain seeds (seedless watermelon, seedless grapes, etc.). Although there are also seeded hybrid varieties, avoiding seedless fruits is one of the more prominent ways to avoid hybrid fruits.

Do you want to test your PLU code knowledge? Take this fun quiz and see how much you know!

Friday, February 16, 2007


In keeping with our last post, todays topic is Mate. Yerba Mate to be specific.
Wikipedia defines mate as:

Mate (pronounced /'ma.te/) is a highly caffeinated infusion prepared by steeping dried leaves of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) in hot water. It is the national drink in Uruguay and Argentina[1] and a common social practice in Paraguay and parts of Chile and Brazil.

Why all the buzz? Mate is incredible good for you!
USAToday released an article stating:

Thanks to its high anti-oxidant content, maté promotes cell survival better than
red wine or green tea.

So what does that mean exactly? Wikipedia again to the rescue:

Antioxidants are particularly important in organic chemistry and biology. All organisms maintain a reducing environment inside their cells and contain complex systems of antioxidants to prevent damage by oxidation. These antioxidants include glutathione and ascorbic acid and these chemicals are substrates for enzymes such as peroxidases and oxidoreductases. Low levels of antioxidants or inhibition of antioxidant enzymes causes oxidative stress and may damage or kill cells.

It's simple. Antioxidants good. No anti-oxidants bad.

Check this out from

Of the 196 volatile chemical compounds found in Yerba Mate, 144 are also found in green tea. Its processing method, like that of green tea, preserves similar antioxidants and nutritive values. The Journal of Alternative Complement Medicine summarizes, "Yerba mate is thus a rich source of polyphenols and has antioxidant properties comparable to those of green tea" (2003). As it turns out, Yerba Mate taken in the Traditional Method is "more effective than either green tea or red wines" at "producing the highest concentration of polyphenols" in the blood (Bixby, 2005).

So check out Mate the next time you need a buzz of mental clarity rather than the jitters! One highly recommended brand is Delicious!

Drink Tea!

The BBC reported that drinking tea is just as beneficial as drinking water, and may have extra health benefits that water doesn't provide.
Tea not only rehydrates as well as water does, but it can also protect against heart disease and some cancers, UK nutritionists found. Experts believe flavonoids are the key ingredient in tea that promote health.
Studies show that drinking 3-4 cups of tea each day has health benefits such as reducing risk of heart attack Additionally, tea may provide some protection against cancer, and may also help strengthen bones and teeth, as well as preventing tooth decay.

Tea provides the body with powerful antioxidants and polyphenols that help replace lost fluids and provide the body with some health benefits. Tea is not considered to be a dehydrating beverage; in fact it is a "healthy drink".

Drinking tea may also help boost memory, according to the BBC. This may be especially beneficial to Alzheimer's patients.

There are four different basic types of tea: green, black, white and oolong. There are also many variations of these four basics as well as tea infusions made with fruits and berries. Tea is popular in most Asian countries, and is gaining popularity world wide.

Find a local tea room at and enjoy a nice cup of tea in your hometown!